Gwalior Childrens' Hospital Charity

(Even if you can make a difference in one life , then you haven't lived for nothing)

Gwalior Childrens' Hospital Charity (registered charity no. 1063694) is working to help and provide for poor, needy, destitute, disabled and underprivileged esp. children, women and old, the most vulnerable of Gwalior and Chambal region through Gwalior Hospital for Children and Women, Ophthalmic Centre, Dental centre, Physiotherapy and pain management, General Hospital, Rural health centres and Gwalior mobile hospital to provide a wide range of specialised medical care and health educational services in Gwalior and its slums, rural and remote areas; as well the Hospice for Children with HIV, a school for special needs, an orphanage “SNEHALAYA_THE HOME WITH LOVE” with rehabilitation and vocational training centre for destitute and disabled children in association with Gwalior Hospital and Education Charitable Trust and Gwalior Health and education Society ( Registered charities in India no. 5/96-97/113(i)).

We need people from all walks of life as volunteers to help us in carrying these works forward to raise funds, help in publicity as well work with us in India. Students and trainees are welcome to gain work experience.

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Please do not hesitate to contact us any time by phone/ fax/ email or writing to us for any questions or further details or if you need any help or guidance related to our work or you may like to help us in any way. You are always welcome. Click here for our contact information

Website last updated 14th April 2008

Children Hospital India Disabled Children India Donate to India Charity Education in India Fundraising for India Health Care in India HIV and AIDS in India India Charity India Children India Children Charity India Hospital India Links India NGO Orphanage India Rural Work in India Special Needs School in India Please support India Charity Vaccination in India Volunteer for India Charity